Here's a fun generation photo -- Nanny and Dad holding Malia wearing Dad's baby PJs. Pretty darn cute PJs too. Amazing how great of shape they are in being that they are soooooooooooo old. (Dad doesn't check blogs to my knowledge, so I'm safe in saying that). Actually, recently the girls and I were looking at some of Dad's pictures and saw a picture of him in what may be these exact jammies. He was an adorable little baby, but really, what did we expect? The Crippen genes don't always stand out with my kiddos, but I saw Dallin in baby Grandpa. Very fun.

This is just to irritate many of you ice-dwellers. And to show off two darling girls. This was taken on January 16. Hee Hee. My kids dream of going to the snow though. . .
And this is what I get to deal with all day. The job certainly doesn't pay the bills, but what a marvelous job it is!!! I'm highly underqualified. . . They keep me quite busy, but very happy. The boys love their little sister (yes, even Dallin). We were not quite sure how Dallin would take to his new rival, but it was sweet music to my ears when he yelled at somebody who was holding her "Put baby back!!!" He did not want anybody taking his Weah.
Isn't she fun! I agree with Dallin. It's hard to imagine life without this happy face.