Halloween has come (and come and come and come and come) and gone, and it was busy. We started our holiday fun a week and a half before the fun day with a few costume birthday parties, a school harvest fair, church trunk or treat, and finally trick or treating. It was fun, but truth be told, I am quite happy that November is here. Here are a few pictures of the kids from the trunk or treat.

Michael was supposed to be Squirt the turtle from Finding Nemo, but he hardly wore his turtle jacket, and when he did, never wore the hat. Because he has had a few too many terrible two moments lately, I certainly didn't force the issue. He loves his "mumkin andy" (if you need a translation, that's his pumpkin bucket filled with candy), and woke up moaning for it the other morning as he frequently does for a sippy cup of milk. Very fun.

Kaela was going to be the cutest pirate you've ever seen, at least since last year when Leneah was the cutest pirate you've ever seen, but she was set on being a cat. Michael loved having a little cat to take care of.

Here is Leneah dressed up as a good witch. I think that she is too cute to be scary, so we didn't even try.

Here's scary. . . I'd cry too if my mother did this to me. Dallin actually had a cute snugli penguin costume, however, since he wore it only minutes in this beautiful socal fall weather (we reached 100' one day last week) this is the best we can do for this post.
Happy Halloween!

Very cute costumes! And I have to agree with you, I'm glad it's November and Halloween is behind us.
Yeah Care! I kept checking to see if the kids dress-up pics were up...very cute. Nani is talking witch for next year. I told her she has to be a cute witch...cause her mom doesn't do scary. She knows I don't like scary though. At the store she will 'protect' me from seeing anything that is too scary or gross. Thanks Nani! Hold on to that squirt costume ...it sounds super cute and I may like to borrow it sometime. Well, Thanksgiving is coming and Christmas is on it's way! Pretty crazy and a bit exciting. Wish we were seeing you all though. Love you!
Aw, how cute! ;) I wanted to see Kaela as a pirate, but she sure does make a cute cat! She even has paws! :) I too am SO happy it is November. But I can't believe it at the same time. It is all starting to hit me...BAAM!
Those are great costumes. You guys were busy.
Kaitlyn dressed as a witch too. I'm with Katie on the scary part. I don't like it. When Kaitlyn had plans to be a witch, I said no green face or warts. I even found a costume with purple on it. Your kids were so cute in their costumes. Good job Carrie :) I'm glad Halloween is finally over too! I'm also glad it's Jaime's turn to host Thanksgiving at her house! Woo Hoo!!
Very cute...although I'm pretty dissapointed that I don't get to see the penguin costume. I had the smae problem with Leah. I only had her costume on for about 20 minutes before having to shed off layers because of the heat. Oh well...
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