Here is Leneah holding Malia on her blessing day. Leneah adores her baby sister and is super helpful with her.

Leneah got braces! She had a retainer for a bit but had one stubborn tooth that didn't fit. We went in for a bracket, and I was surprised to see this smile coming out of the orthodontist office (I don't know much about braces. . .). This was back in January, and they were removed just in time for Easter and STAR testing treats at school. She looked so much older with them on, but we quickly got used to them. She enjoyed all of the fun colors as they changed her bands, but missed gum. That's about all she missed because I wasn't very good at remembering what she couldn't eat. Caramel and lifesavers will break brackets by the way. . .

We took a whirlwind trip to Utah to see cousins and snow, and the kids had a great time. Here's Leneah and Nani enjoying the freshly fallen snow. Leneah LOVES to be with her cousins. She also loved the snow and spent the most time in it of all the family. She learned that snowpants and boots are wonderful.
Leneah REALLY wanted to do a science project experiment this year. It wasn't required, but she was very excited and determined to do so. It fit well into my schedule with 5 children, a very busy husband, and a new baby, so typical Carrie style, we finished it together in the early morning hours, but darn, we did it and had fun doing it. Her experiment involved testing yeast and the temperatures it works best at, inspired by an experiment I did with my mommy about wheat oh so long ago. Leneah did a marvelous job and won first prize for her grade at the school. Typically 3rd graders don't get to go to the District science fair, but they sent her project and she ended up with a 2nd place there! It was so fun for her. Her winning project will be available for a nominal fee next year. . .
And here she is at Easter (note the expensive smile. . .). Leneah will be finishing up 3rd grade this week. She has had a great year and has enjoyed trying new things. She enjoyed mastering handball and tetherball this year and also served on the school student council. It is hard to believe she used to be so shy and afraid to try new things. We love Leneah!
Cute Girl!!! Her 'expensive' smile looks a lot like her daddy's free 'all natural' smile. Can't wait to see you all!
Hey, I didn't write that?! Musta been Katie... But I agree Nea is a beautiful lady! She is getting so old!!!
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