Here's Dallin waiting to meet his sisters and brother. We left them all sound asleep in our bed the night before when we went to the hospital, and they woke a little confused as to why grandma was asleep on the couch and mom and dad were missing. They have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of their little brother and were very excited to come and meet him.

Little Miss Kaela and her baby brother. He looks most like her so far, except for the size issue. Kaela's comment: "I don't want to go to school. I want to stay here all day and hold him."

Mom and kiddos. Michael wanted nothing to do with me, though he was interested in the little baby, but not more than he was into the balloon and mom's breakfast bacon.

A VERY happy big sister Leneah and her new favorite toy. Her comment: "I don't want to go to school. I just want to stay here and hold him all day." She actually got half her wish and played hooky with grandma.

Grandpa and his newest grandson. He makes grandchild #20 for the happy grandparents!

And, the birthday girl with her newest birthday present. Happy Birthday Mom and Dallin!
Carrie!!! YIPPEE!!! I am so happy for you guys...congrats on your sweet Dallin!!!! And I am so, so, so happy that you have pictures on your blog!!! I've missed you so much and it is so great to have you share these moments....thank you!!! How does being a "mother x 4" feel? I think 3 is going to be our magic #; wish we were still around the block to have shared this time together. Dallin looks so sweet and snuggly and I can't believe how big everyone has gotten! Can't wait to catch up over blogging. Love and miss you guys and hope to see you in 2009!!!
I miss the days when I would step outside and see you walking up and down the street trying to sooth your baby. Now we both have four. Where has the time gone? I miss you and wish I was closer to visit more often. It stinks my parents decided to move away and become tree huggers. :) Well I love the pictures and you have a beautiful family. Keep blogging. Your're doing great!
I miss you and I think your baby brother is so cute!
Love, Ellie
Everyone looks so good. We miss you guys so much and wish we could be there. How great it is that I can look on your blog and share these moments with you. Give all of them a big hug and kiss for me.
YEa for babies! And Awesome shirt dad! REAL!
Carrie my BFF, you look gorgeous! Love the hair cut. The baby and your little family is adorable. We are ready for another one too.
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