On the night of November 4th, election night, I was making phone calls for the Yes on Proposition 8 campaign when I answered a call from my husband who was calling to share the news that he had been in an accident. It was the phone call we all dread. . .however, Harvey was laughing as he told me, so I was instantly assured that he was okay, thank goodness for that. If you don't live in CA, you are probably still aware of the HUGE deal this proposition has been here, but doesn't it shock you that someone would intentionally rear-end my husband all because of a bumper sticker?!! No, that is not what happened (though the man that Harvey bumped into told him that was the problem). Somebody couldn't stop in time in traffic and in trying to avoid the car in front of her swerved and sideswiped two cars and then ricocheted off to hit Harv who then hit the person in front of him. Yikes!! He was able to drive the poor car home, but it is considered totalled (it doesn't look so bad in the pictures, but it wasn't pretty). We are so grateful that Harvey wasn't totalled. He's got some back pain that bothers him, but otherwise he is well. For as much as he has commuted in his CA life, I'm grateful he always makes it home safely.
1 comment:
AH! I had no clue! i am so glad he is okay! So, new car???
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