Growing up Mom frequently treated us to theme dinners on the holidays, one of our favorites being April Fools Dinner where we ate messy foods with crazy utensils, tried to drink colored water out of cotton filled straws, wore toilet seat cover bibs, ate babyfood squash dressed up as butterscotch pudding. . . Thanks Mom! She's always made everything so fun. I want to be a fun mom too now and then!

Here are the fancy fools waiting for their delicious dinner and the lovely waitress bringing them their first course.

And the meal: the rice crispy sushi was by far the hit, though Kaela devoured two meatloaf cupcakes once I removed the mashed potato frosting and convinced her that it really was the meatloaf she typically loves. The disquise really disturbed her. Leneah was quite surprised that the "dirt" Angie dropped her apples into smelled so good. Could my kids really be this gullible?

Harvey got home from work late and didn't eat his dinner but opted to bring it to work the next day and received a few strange looks. Boring accountants!
What a fun idea, Carrie! I'll have to try that next year. Caleb idea of an April fool's joke was putting an ice cube in Luke's bed. :)
Hope alls well with you guys!
I love that you guys did this!! Good memories! I meant to do it this year, but never got around to it...What was your menu? Did you get the toilet seat cover bibs?I forgot about the cotton filled straws!
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