
Sunday, November 14, 2010

We're still here. . .and waiting for #5!

I'm pretty darn bad at blogging, but here are a few pictures for those of you loyal checkers. We had a fun halloween, even without the trick-or-treating. The kids (AND PARENTS) had plenty of junk to rot their teeth and fatten them up for them the harsh southern california winter.

Dad was running for school board. Here's a picture of Dallin on the campaign trail --Bote por Beepah (Vote for Grandpa)!! We had fun helping out the little bit we did--note the "Stan Crippen for School Board" balloon and punch ball in the background--Dad makes everything fun.

And here's the big kiddos after their church primary program today. They did a marvelous job. I can't believe how big they are getting.

Hopefully the next post will include pictures of the newest Olsingch! He/she's due Friday, though I'd welcome anything sooner.


Amelia said...

Cute! I love their costumes. Especially Kaela. She is too cute. Dalling looks like such a little man in that picture! So old!!! I guess it really is time for another! Can't wait to meet him/her! Or both! Wouldn't that be a shock...Good work on posting between the announcment and the arrival. Phew...that was close!

Unknown said...

Hooray! Love the pics! Can't wait to hear about O5! We just had d4 last month! Miss you guys so much! Prayers for an easy delivery and quick recovery!

Katie said...

Dallin steals the show in this post. SO cute! Thanks for the Halloween pics too. So cute. Your kids really are growing up. I wish there was a picture of you and jr. though. I would love to see that!