
Sunday, December 12, 2010

Happy Girl

I finally got one. Malia has been smiling since days old (and I have witnesses--many of them--it wasnt' gas. . .) They are big happy whole face smiles like this one I managed to snag when we woke up this morning. Darn, it makes her look so old. The little butterball keeps growing!


Katie said...

That is so cute!!!!! Kea used to smile after every feeding. I felt so appreciated. I am so glad I will be down in February to see her, and everyone else again. :)

E and T Macdonald said...

Wow Carrie, What a sweetie!! She is adorable!! Congrats!! I haven't checked blogs forever... didn't even know you were expecting! Hope all is well and you're adjusting well to life with #5! Much aloha!

Love the pic with you and Angie both prego! Very cute!! Tell her hi for me!

Ipo said...

Congrats on the sweet, cute, adorable baby, Carrie!! You are as beautiful as ever!! So fun to see your growing family! Take care and Happy New Year!

Amelia said...

Aw! Cute!!! She's just saying thank you! Can't wait to meet her!