It's very hard to believe that my little Christmas baby is getting so old! It seems like a short time ago we were bringing her home to our little apartment in Saipan. She is a wonderful big sister and is such a sweetheart.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Our Christmas Stars
In the midst of all the Christmas preparations I frequently found myself needing reminders of what the season is truly for. As I downloaded pictures of Christmas from the camera with the intent of posting some pictures of our Christmas to the blog, I came across these choice shots from our ward Christmas party. Dallin was asked to be the star of the nativity, with Angel Leneah and little mother Mary Kaela watching over him. The girls were so excited for the opportunity, and Dallin did a wonderful job looking adorable in his swaddling clothed carseat manger. I was worried he wouldn't be the peaceful baby we sing about in Christmas carols, but he was impressed with the stage lights, and I'm sure the spirit of the moment and just laid in his manger kicking his cute legs and sucking on his fingers. I love Christmas. I love the lights, the tree, the goodies, the gifts, the songs, the parties. . .but mostly I love the feeling of peace I have as I think of a tiny newborn baby being cuddled by his young new mother, who must have felt so overwhelmed with the knowledge of who her little son was and what he would do for us.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
November Review. . .Mid December

We had fun celebrating little cousin Reagan's 2nd birthday. Michael (Guygo, as Reagan calls him) and she (Yayen as he calls her) are so much fun. They are best of friends and worst of enemies one minute to the next.
Here's Dallin enjoying the party. He's grown so much in the month, and he's lost alot of his hair
I'm noticing as I write this blog!

Here's Dallin in his blessing outfit--SMILING!!! He's got a very fun smile. It's more like a silent laugh. The best smiles are available at 5am each morning, a special thank you to mom for keeping him happy all night I guess.

Here's Leneah with lost tooth #3. She lost this one at school much to her pleasure because the school nurse has cool tooth necklaces for the kiddos that moms don't have at home. She is going to have a gorgeous and expensive smile in the future because her baby teeth are forced out of her mouth by her impatient adult teeth, which are forced to grow in crooked. Those ought to be some fun bills.

We got grandpa his very own baseball team for his birthday. They are the California Cousins, and they are looking to be pretty good. . . in the future. Dad gave the kids some tips and we had alot of fun with him. I remember going to softball games as a kid when dad coached at the high school and it was fun to see him in action again. Isn't he a good looking coach!

Here's Leneah playing catch. This is pre-pointers from grandpa, which would explain why she's got the glove on the wrong hand. We've got some work to do.

Kaela and her invisible bat intently listening to Grandpa's instructions.

Michael looking cute and innocent before he ran off and ran through a nice mud puddle.

The team minus Angie the photographer.

Happy Harvey with the masterpiece. It was delicious!

The hungry family. Nanny was able to come over for Thanksgiving and we were also lucky to have my cousin Shannan and her darling little guy Cai for a visit from Canada, and Sara down from Fresno.

And now, our tribute to Disneyland. Our annual passes expired last week, so the kids and I made a few trips alone, and Harvey took a day off so that we could get in our fill until we renew our passes again. . .someday. Yes, I took 4 kids to Disneyland a handfull of times. I'm know that some people thought I was nuts, but we had fun. The kids are good, or I wouldn't even try it. I only lost Michael twice. . .not really.

We won Mickey ears as part of the year of a million dreams. The kids thought that was extra special. Doesn't Harvey look great with big ears!
Dallin enjoys Disneyland as much as any 2 month old can. He sleeps on me for the most part, but this Winnie the Pooh ride actually did interest him a bit.

My little bugs going to see the Bugs Life movie

We won Mickey ears as part of the year of a million dreams. The kids thought that was extra special. Doesn't Harvey look great with big ears!

Harvey flying with Michael and Kaela on Dumbo

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!
I think that it is wonderful to have a day set aside especially for being grateful for all that we have. I feel especially blessed to be living the wonderful life I wake up to each day. Today, I am especially glad that I am not a turkey. I'm also grateful for friends and family like you and wish you a wonderful holiday!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Meeting Princess Aubree


Monday, November 3, 2008
Halloween has come (and come and come and come and come) and gone, and it was busy. We started our holiday fun a week and a half before the fun day with a few costume birthday parties, a school harvest fair, church trunk or treat, and finally trick or treating. It was fun, but truth be told, I am quite happy that November is here. Here are a few pictures of the kids from the trunk or treat.
Michael was supposed to be Squirt the turtle from Finding Nemo, but he hardly wore his turtle jacket, and when he did, never wore the hat. Because he has had a few too many terrible two moments lately, I certainly didn't force the issue. He loves his "mumkin andy" (if you need a translation, that's his pumpkin bucket filled with candy), and woke up moaning for it the other morning as he frequently does for a sippy cup of milk. Very fun.
Kaela was going to be the cutest pirate you've ever seen, at least since last year when Leneah was the cutest pirate you've ever seen, but she was set on being a cat. Michael loved having a little cat to take care of.

Friday, October 24, 2008
I haven't given up blogging. . .
Monday, October 6, 2008
Growing Dallin

Here are some more recent pictures of Dallin for those who've been asking for them. At 2 weeks he's up to 10 lbs 1 oz, finally has white eyes instead of jaundiced yellow ones, and loves to eat and sleep. He has even slept 6 hours straight at night on 3 different occasions!!!! I'm so grateful for that. I don't think that Michael did that until, umm, last year maybe. We love having this sweet little baby here in our family.
Kaela's 5!

Our little Miss Kaela Wailah is 5! (This is a little late I know, but I'm just getting used to this blogging thing) She's a wonderful 5 year old, I must add. She started kindergarten this year and is doing so well, in fact she just got her first student of the month award this month for knowing all of her letters and sounds. It took a few weeks of morning tears to get her used to school, but she now loves it thanks to her marvelous teacher Ms Burke.
She is a great little helper at home and is so full of energy and silliness.

Sunday, September 28, 2008
One Big Happy Family

Mom and kiddos. Michael wanted nothing to do with me, though he was interested in the little baby, but not more than he was into the balloon and mom's breakfast bacon.

And even more birthday fun!
Welcome to the Family Dallin Yul Olsingch!
September 19, 2008 1:22 am
9 lbs 13 ozs

Here's the happy grandma finishing Dallin's first bath. Grandma and Dallin will share birthdays! (We celebrated the day before her real birthday at Build-A-Bear) Dallin was born at the hospital mom works at, so we got some royal treatment there, and mom royally treated all of the wonderful nurses on our behalf.

And here is the proud and relieved mama x4 and my beautiful new son. His original due date was 9/14/2008 so, though 5 days late isn't bad for our babies, for some crazy reason I thought he might have come early. The delivery went well and I'm glad its over, and now I cannot get enough of my little guy.
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